Unit 1 of 14: Introduction to Fundamental Concepts

Welcome to the course. Argumentation and debate is, at its core, a study in a type of human communication. As such, it is best practice to review some fundamental concepts of human communication and consider how they uniquely apply to the subject. These concepts...

Unit 2 of 14: Arguments and Evidence

The study of argumentation has a long history in Western culture. The act of arguing is very natural, and much like music, people tend to have an inherent preference of what they listen to. But, also like music, there tends to be a lot more going on that what people...

Unit 6 of 14: The Negative Constructive

Responding to a debate opponent carries with it unique burdens. The first negative constructive doesn’t simply follow the same requirements of the first affirmative. There are unique burdens that the negative has when crafting responses that change based on the...
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