Debate Flowing Assignment

Watch the instructional video, then open the quiz and apply the techniques to the example debate inside.  

News Consumption and Credibility Self Assessment

People rarely take the time to reflect on where their information about the world comes from. A self assessment is a disciplined way to evaluate how you consume information. It is impossible for any one person to consider all available information, even on a single...

Organization and Flowing

Think about the most important skills for a debater. What are you thinking of? Speaking fluently? Logic and reason? Evidence and research? Many people overlook that the most important skill is that of listening. The ability to recall what other people said in order to...

Questions and Cross-Examination

When I was a kid my grandmother loved to watch TV legal dramas.  What I remember most about those shows was how lawyers acted in trials, specifically what technical things they did to gain an advantage or nullify a threat.  One of the things that both good lawyers and...


What do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. What do you call 25 lawyers buried up to their neck in cement? Not enough cement. How many lawyer jokes are there? Three, the rest are true stories. Lawyers get a bad rap. There are hundreds of...
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